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Britain in Prophecy

Only a few decades ago, Britain was the proud possessor of an Empire that spanned the world. Today, that Empire has gone, the monarchy is under threat, and the nation’s sovereignty is being surrendered to a supranational Europe dominated by Germany.

What has happened to this once great nation of Britain? What lay behind the foundation of the greatest Empire the world has ever seen? And why today is Britain a nation that has lost its way, with no clearly defined purpose in the world? Here, at a time when Britain’s leaders, political and ecclesiastic, have no solution to her problems, is a book that provides the answer.

Here is an inspiring, almost incredible, story that will bring untold faith and blessing to all who have lost hope in our land and national existence. Only in this interpretation of history will be found the answer to Britain’s national predicament.      ... to Chapter One


Chapter One   A Fulness of Nations
Chapter Two   A Peculiar People
Chapter Three   Nations in Captivity
Chapter Four   The Isles Afar Off
Chapter Five   The People Shall Dwell Alone
Chapter Six   Sons of the Living God
Chapter Seven   Turn Us Again, O God

Appendix One   The British Empire in 1921
Appendix Two   Population of the UK and USA

Footnotes   References from chapters 1–7

Britain in Prophecy

First published 1967
Revised edition published September 1992
ISBN 0 902785 32 X

First publication on the internet March 2007

© Brian Williams 1967, 1992 and 2007

Editorial service and typesetting by
Abbey Press
   (01458) 83 3603

The author's contact details are on the home page.

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